We are flexible and tailor what we do, to what you need!

What we do!

Leadership Coaching

Impactful, powerful and intentional 1-1 coaching for emerging or executive people leaders. Gain clarity, purpose and focus. I can help you break through mental blocks that are holding you back.

What is holding you back from being the leader you are fully capable of being? Do you doubt yourself, are you feeling overwhelmed, or feel burnt out?

I am an ICF certified Transformative Coach who can help individuals directly, or via workplaces who are stuck in a rut, overwhelmed, or unsure on their next move, to build on their own strengths and achieve their potential.

My style is best described as optimistic, supportive engaging and curious.

I can help you:

  • Create powerful perspective shifts.

  • Provide insights into your values, beliefs, and motivations. Whilst unearthing unconscious self-saboteurs.

  • Help address internal blocks and barriers and create sustainable change in your team, organisation, community, and self.

  • Grow your organisations capacity for change by applying science of positive psychology and emotional intelligence.

  • Inspire positive change for you to take decisive and forward action.

Life Coaching

Empowering 1-1 coaching sessions that will help you overcome self-limiting beliefs. I can help you reconnect to yourself so you can take control of your life and reach your fullest potential.

Do you often find yourself feeling stuck and wondering if there's more to your life?

Life coaching can help you define what you really want from yourself and your life. It can help you connect to the courage you already have but are too scared to use to help you build the life you've always wanted.

If self-limiting beliefs are holding you back from what you truly want in life, I can help you reconnect to yourself, to take control, and reach your potential.

HR on Demand

Designed to support your business across the employee lifecycle, with everything you need to effectively manage people related productivity, performance, and compliance.

Whether you are seeking a flexible HR consultant, HR advice or coaching, we have cost effective solutions to ensure that your foundations are rock solid and flourishing. We are your HR Guru on call at anytime!


Think of me as your HR guru on tap to call whenever you need for advice and support.

HR Audit:

Think you need HR Support but don’t know where to start? I can conduct a simple audit of your current HR state, to get you started, and identify your needs.

Employment issues:

Poor performance, absences, and health concerns, disciplinary etc. Do you need help with process, and documentation?


Role scoping/job design, job descriptions, advertising, searching, shortlisting, interviewing, offers of employment.

People & Process

Managing the specifics of people and processes within an organisation can be a difficult business to get right! We can handle the various tasks required to create an inclusive and supportive work environment that promotes employee well-being and productivity.

Employment agreements, and policies:

If you employ people, you must have employment agreements. HR policies sit alongside. They outline how you intend to manage various situations, should they arise.

Performance Management /Coaching:

Performance management, employee development, and general coaching.


Wellbeing frameworks, initiatives, values, benefits & offerings, and flexible working guidelines. Balancing work and home life through hybrid working, ensures you get the best out of your people.

Reward & Recognition:

Guarantee your people feel recognised and valued for the personal contribution they make to the success of your business. I can identify benefits, to support and care for your people, ensuring they align to your attraction strategies, and who you are as a business.

Get the best out of you and your people!

Reach your potential!